Hi dear friend,

The intro reads great, but the recording is too silent... even with speakers full on, I cannot hear you. 😥

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Thank you for your feedback Roelof. As I’ve read you a wave of shame came in and I was almost ready to erase the podcast but decided to keep it as a reminder of the power of the fear of my power. Or maybe it’s even the power of my gremlin in keeping me from speaking out. I feel ashamed that I haven’t checked the sound because I was afraid to ear myself saying what I’ve said. Truth is I’ve failed, I’ve made a mistake by having my phone connected to EarPods without knowing and by posting a podcast out in the world without earring myself first.

I feel angry because I have the story that before you other people noticed this and no one said a thing.

I feel glad because I have the possibility to start over at any time and because I’ve dared to try a first time and fail.

I will start over!

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Oh dear Catarina don't be so hard on yourself. I also find it difficult to hear my own voice, and although it seems now like a big mistake, this will happen never again, or maybe yes... and then it is what it is. Judgement and fear go hand in hand, and isn't it to dissolve the fear that you started this!!! Don't make yourself small... that doesn't fit you.

I can't wait for your next podcast !


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