Cataroxca's Alchemy
Cataroxca's Heartcast Edgysodes
Connecting beyond the Low Drama

Connecting beyond the Low Drama

How unconscious Fear, Anger or/and Sadness of Low Drama is preventing me and you from Connecting?

Here I am, back to sharing what's alive for me, after an episode where clearly my box freaked out and my gremlin found a very nice way to protect her, and also keep me from starting over that soon: unnoticed sound issues!

This time I’ve used my fear, anger and sadness about the situation consciously to ensure this podcast would get to your ears and I’ve listened to all of it before it goes live. You’ll still find some extra sounds in it, that’s part of the experience and I noticed that often the way and time they come in holds a message in itself.

Back to why I’m here today!

I’ve been noticing, as I navigate family and personal relations, that unconscious Fear, Anger and Sadness around Low Drama makes me stay shut, small, big, beat myself and others up and disconnect from my center and others.

I want to start over! I want to connect and I’ll go to my edge to learn how to do differently while I’m relating.

What you’ll hear is my X on this map. What is yours?

What works or not for you in going beyond the Low Drama and Connecting?

Will be so glad to hear from you so we can learn and evolve together!

Much Love,


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Cataroxca's Alchemy
Cataroxca's Heartcast Edgysodes
Sharing what's alive and my inner navigations and outer explorations to expand my box and unravel my Loving Being.